Press Coprs

Difficulty: Beginner

Conference Press

Number of Delegates: 4


The Press Commitee is designed to highlight the value of the freedom of press and the important role that the media plays in democratic society, particularly in creating transparency on the work done by authoritative institutions, and therefore in being able to hold these institutions to account. This committee will have oversight over all other committees and the work that they will be doing during the MaltMUN 2024 conference.

Chair - Adriana Lucero-Dorst

Hi! My name is Adriana and I’m beyond thrilled and honored to be one of your editors in chief for MaltMUN. I’m currently a bachelor’s student at the University of Genoa in International Relations and Diplomatic Sciences, but I’m originally from Berkeley in the US! I started doing MUN’s less than a year ago (since September of last year), and because I come from a very international background I immediately fell in love with it, as well as the community. When I’m not doing MUN’s or studying I love going to the beach, learning new languages, playing video games, cooking, or being with friends. See you soon in Valletta! 

Chair - Lucía González Cilleros

I am Lucía González, a Global Studies student at USAL that, by the time that MALTMUN takes place, will have finished her degree and will be navigating the future of her career, with excitement, just as much as I have to be honored to enjoy this opportunity. My passion for MUNing comes from the extraordinary experience I have had throughout my university life in my beloved home conference, MUNUSAL. Having participated in MALTMUN as a delegate last year, I could not get enough of beautiful Valetta, so, coming back and seeing so many lovely faces again for my first chairing experience as an Editor in Chief, is a dream come true. I believe in the utmost importance of Press in International Relations and in the fact that this conference will be a blast. Hope to see all of you in August!
