Difficulty: Advanced

Topic: Turning the Tide: Addressing the Situation in Myanmar

Number of Countries: 16


The United Nations Security Council Committee is a staple of a MaltMUN conference, and this year is no exception. One of the six principal organs of the United Nations, the Security Council is tasked with ensuring international peace and security, recommending the admission of new UN members to the General Assembly, and approving any changes to the UN charter. Its power include establishing peacekeeping operations, enacting international sanctions, and authorising military action. It is the only UN body with the authority to enact resolutions that are binding on member states. It has five permament members, with another ten non-permanent members who are elected on a two-year, regional basis. If there is any organisation that can bring about global resolve, it’s the United Nations Security Council! This will be MaltMUN 2024’s expert-level committee.


The country of Myanmar has had a tumultous history, both before its independence from the United Kingdom, when it was known as Burma, and even in the decades that have followed since. A series of insurgencies have been ongoing in Myanmar since independence and the civil war that now rages is a culmination of these insurgencies, catalysed by the 2021 coup d’etat which led to the toppling of the democratically-elected government in favour of a military junta, which violently cracked down on all dissent, leading to the situation that is present today. The United Nations Security Council. NGO figures state that approximately 50,000 souls have lost their lives in the fighting as per April 2024, with millions internally displaced, and tens of thousands seeking refuge in other countries. The Security Council is best positioned to bring about a restoration to normality in the country, and with that a cessation of the violence that has enraged the country.

Chair - Daniel Kahn Sasso

Hello! My name is Daniel, I was born in rainy Panama City, Panama and I am a third-year Global Studies student at the University of Salamanca, Spain. I found my passion for Model UN over eight years ago, having played several roles in conferences: being a delegate, chairing, and organising them. Thanks to this, I have gotten the chance to participate in conferences all over the Americas and Europe, including in New York, Leuven, Montréal and Lisbon. All of these experiences have given me the opportunity to meet incredible people and further understand the at-times convoluted world of international affairs. This past year I served as President of MUNUSAL, after serving as its Secretary in 2022/2023.

Apart from Model UN, I am a massive coffee enthusiast, and I enjoy watching movies from all over the world, mixology, film photography and discussions on Latin American history and politics.

Chair - Shari Langner

Hello there! I’m Shari, a 23-year-old student from Germany, currently pursuing my degree in political science at the University of Hamburg and I’ll be one of your UNSC chairs. After being part of the MUN-club at my high school, I fell back in love with MUNs during my time at university, having since taken the role of organizer, delegate, and chair at various MUNs in Europa and North America. Be assured that my co-chair and I will do everything to provide you with a pleasant and unforgettable experience! Outside of MUNs, you’ll likely find me curled up with a book, though I also enjoy sports (like basketball), and, of course, spending lots of quality time with my friends! 

I am thrilled to meet you in Malta!
