The Malta Model United Nations Society is the first official organisation of its kind in Malta. It commits itself primarily to training and preparing youths to attend and actively participate in Model United Nations conferences abroad. It does so by means of various events throughout the year that aid participants to hone various skills: public speaking, speech-writing, debating, negotiation, and compromise.
MaltMUN is a non-profit organisation committed to investing in its members’ personal development and leadership skills, whilst embracing the spirit of the United Nations. For the benefit of its members it is further committed to participating in and organising Model United Nations Conferences.
The Society has also organised numerous successful local conferences. The success of this inaugural edition of MaltMUN led the local office of the European Parliament to encourage the Society to submit a bid for consideration for the Charlemagne Youth Prize 2016, an award for projects run by and for youth who actively participate in European development. We went on to be recognised as the National Winner of the Prize. MaltMUN’s principal goal is to foster excellence amongst youths through participation in MUN conferences.
We have also been represented at several MUNs across cities in Europe, America, and Asia. Numerous delegates have won awards on the occasions when the Society has been represented abroad since its inception in 2013. These span from Best Delegate; Outstanding or Distinguished Delegate; and Honourable Mention, to the Award for Diplomacy; the Award for Best Ideas Contributor; Commendation Award (UNEP), Best Judge (ICJ); Best Advocate (ICJ); and Best Position Paper.
The MaltMUN delegations at CuIMUN 2014, and OxIMUN 2015 have also gone on to win Commended Delegation and Best Small Delegation awards respectively – to which the outstanding individual performances of each of the members of the delegation contributed. These awards, recognising the excellent work of our delegates, as well as our annual MaltMUN conference, have clearly marked MaltMUN on the map as a MUN conference of repute and distinction.

In February of 2013, six university students descended upon the City of London as the very first Maltese delegation to an international Model United Nations – the world renowned London International MUN. Admittedly, this was not the first occasion where a Maltese national had participated in such an event. One of MaltMUN’s very own past Vice Presidents, Ms Hillary Briffa, had herself attended a MUN in Tallin and performed with flying colours a year prior. However this was the first group effort to fly the Maltese flag in the highly competitive world of political simulations.
Their effort was not in vain. The delegation returned home with two awards to their name, and their performance inspired them to organise their very own Model UN society in order to promote the spirit and values of MUN and foster an active simulation community locally.
Upon their return to Malta, the members of the MaltMUN Society hit the ground running and committed themselves to delivering high quality events and seminars on practical skills such as public speaking, debating and diplomacy. Successful events and fruitful collaborations with distinguished partners such as the Embassy of the United States saw the Society gain a loyal following from a very early stage.
The crowning moment of 2013, and the culmination of a year’s hard work, was the participation of the first MaltMUN Society Delegation to the Oxford International MUN in November 2013. This saw five newcomers get their first taste of the international MUN circuit.
The success of the OxIMUN Delegation encouraged the Society to send a second delegation not more than three months later. This occasion saw the MaltMUNers return to their birthplace – the London International MUN – this time with a record number of 11 delegates. Building on the progress of the previous year, the Society was able to earn places in prestigious committees such as the International Court of Justice and the Crisis Committee. The Delegation returned home with another award and big plans for the future.
As MaltMUN’s ambition increases, so does its following. Its commitment to Fostering Excellence will ensure that the participants of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. The future is bright for this young Society.