Meet the Team

Lea Ungaro


Having an interest in politics, international affairs, debate, and discussion, Lea became a member of MaltMUN in 2021. After having attended events organised by the society, participated in various simulations and showed great commitment, she was elected as Secretary General for the term 2022-2023. She believes that the organisation’s commitment to foster excellence in its members by investing in both their personal development and their education truly makes it a special one. For this reason, she chose to continue on as President of the Society for the term 2023-2024. Her past experience in debate includes the National Youth Parliament 2017 and 2018, MaltMUN 2022 and MaMUN 2023. Lea is currently reading for a Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B Hons) at the University of Malta. 

She is humbled to have been chosen to lead this enthusiastic team, and envisions a term defined by collaboration, inclusivity, and excellence. She aims to strengthen partnerships, and foster excellence within the society and its members.

Isaac Rizzo

Vice President

Some of the first public speaking events attended by Isaac were that of MaltMUN which brought him closer to the organisation after seeing the positive impact it left not only on himself but also others. He attended MaltMUN’s 2022 and 2023 including seminars and socials the organisation had carried out. Isaac’s past debating experience also involved the Model European Parliament (MEP) in 2021, the National Youth Parliament (NYP), Integrated Democratic Europe (IDE), and Model European Union Strasbourg (MEUS) all in 2022, as well as Munusal, FreiMUN, and MunLAWs all in 2023. 

Isaac is honoured to form part of this year’s enthusiastic team serving as Vice President of the organisation. His aim for this year is to see the organisation take an active role at University, and to continue fostering excellence amongst youths, seeing them grow and gaining confidence in themselves.

Marelaine Formosa

Executive Secretary

Marelaine’s journey in activism started in 2021 with the University Students of Performing Arts as Educational and International Coordinator then President in her first year of studies. Upon changing course, she went on to occupy the role of Public Relations Officer at the Malta Law Students’ Society in 2022. She went on her first MUN abroad at PolMUN, which stemmed an interest for debate at an international level, with her first term in MaltMUN as International Officer where she attended both MUNUSAL and MUNLawS, and is now currently the Secretary General of the organisation. 

Being a Third Year Law Student at the University of Malta has evolved this love for MUNs into a great interest for European and International law. Along with being excited for what’s to come for this term with this great team, she hopes to develop skills gained through the organisation and University life in a prospective career in the foreign affairs field. 

Rachel Galea Medati

Financial Officer

Rachel’s motivation in joining MaltMUN came about through her interest in current affairs, and having become a member, she was then presented with the opportunity to join the Executive Board as Financial Officer for term 2023/24. Her previous simulation experiences include MEUS as well as MICC. She is looking forward to navigating the challenges that her role presents so to build on the successes of MaltMUN. She is currently reading for a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Hons.) at the University of Malta. 

She is humbled to have been entrusted with the responsibility of her role, and is looking forward to produce results for the team to the best of her ability.

Michael Gatt

Secretary General

His journey in student activism began with the Mini European Assembly, which Michael participated in, and eventually organized amongst other projects as the Project Lead Coordinator at the National Student Travel Foundation (NSTF). Following this, he has participated in several conferences and simulations namely the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC), the Model European Union Strasbourg (MEUS), ConSIMium, the JCI Debating Conference, PolMUN, MUNUSAL, MUNLawS, and has won Best Chair in the most recent MaltMUN edition, leading him to pursue the role of Conference Manager. Michael is also reading for a Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B Hons) at the University of Malta, while involved in GħSL, JCI Malta, and JEF Malta. Furthermore, he currently serves as the EU Careers Ambassador for the University of Malta, and will be chairing this year’s European Parliament Committee in KULMUN. 

He believes that Model United Nations serve as the perfect platform for students to debate within a unique framework, while facing different challenges and making new friendships.

Nathan Portelli

Deputy Secretary General

With a strong passion for international relations, conflict resolution, and geopolitics, Nathan was drawn to MaltMUN first as a member in 2023. Having attended a few events, he took interest in joining the Executive Board and did so for the 2023/2024 term as Deputy Conference Manager. His belief is that the organisation has the distinguished privilege in organising what he feels is the country’s most reputable simulation, and the only one that is representative of the United Nations and its various bodies. Nathan is currently reading for a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (Hons.) with European & Global History. He is also currently serving in his second term within the JEF Malta Executive Board, as Content & Policy Officer 

He is grateful to be surrounded by a hard-working, experienced team which aims to deliver the next chapter in a series of successful MaltMUN conferences.


Samuel Camilleri Brancaleone

Academic Officer

 Samuel has always had an interest in politics, debate and international relations. Having taken part in MUNs and other simulations, since 2017, he is perfectly suited for Academics Officer. Having been elected for the term 2023-2024, it is Samuel’s top priority to continue raising the academic standards and fostering excellence within MaltMUN. He is excited to work with the other members of the executive team to help organise events which promote personal growth not only within the participants but also within the organisers. He has recently completed a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Hons) at the University of Malta and is currently reading for a Bachelor in European Studies (Hons) with International Relations. Samuel also works at the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade, hoping to one day become a Diplomat.

Federica Colejro

Events Officer

After experiencing Model European Parliament 2019, Federica developed a determination to improve her public speaking and debating skills, along with an interest in discussion and compromise. Other experiences which fuelled her interests were participating in European Network of Young Advisors (ENYA)’s youth participation project in Brussels and Belfast 2019, visiting the European Parliament in Strasbourg as part of Euroscola 2020 and attending SOGIGESC’s annual conference ‘Diversity as Strength’ 2022. 

She believes that MaltMUN is the best organisation to improve such skills and so, she contested for the role of Events Officer 2023-2024. She is determined to create fun and memorable experiences to showcase the true goals of MaltMUN; to invest in personal development, leadership skills and community formation whilst embracing the spirit of the United Nations. Federica is currently undergoing studies for a Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B Hons) at the University of Malta.

Mathea Martin

Public Relations Officer

Mathea is a distinguished graduate in Theatre Studies and Communication Studies from the University of Malta. She is currently pursuing an MA in Visual Communication in the UK. With a passion for media, art, and design, Mathea is honored to once again be the organisation’s PRO. She also works as a Graphic Design Studio Administrator and successfully manages her own professional blog and fiction books. Mathea’s enthusiasm for public speaking, speech writing, public policy, and EU affairs is evident. Over the past five years, Mathea has actively participated in various public speaking and debating events. Notably, she represented Malta in the Model European Parliament in Madrid in 2018 and served as a mentor for the Maltese selections in 2019 and 2020. She has also taken part in Euroscola, the Integrated Democratic Europe Simulation, three youth forums organized by KNZ, and achieved second place in the European Debate Academy competition.

Megan Abdilla

International Officer

As an impassioned activist deeply intrigued by diplomacy and politics, Megan has been actively engaging in events to broaden her understanding while championing her perspectives through constructive dialogues. Her initiation into the vibrant sphere of MaltMUN occurred in the 2023 conference which lead her to join the society. Motivated by her prior experiences in student committees and the rewarding outcomes of collective efforts, she sought the role of International Officer, drawn to to the society’s resonance with her cherished values for a strong global community. 

Megan is elated by her election and eagerly anticipates collaborating with the team to cultivate vibrant discussions, foster diplomacy, and empower young minds towards active global citizenship.


Maria Farrugia

Social Policy & Outreach Officer

Following her attendance at the 2023 MaltMUN Conference, Maria felt that MaltMUN provided a platform to further her interest in international affairs and debate. This resulted in her becoming more interested in the functions of the organisation and in her desire to contribute to it. As the recently elected social policy and outreach officer for the term 2023–2024, Maria hopes to continue promoting the organisation and its objectives of fostering excellence, personal development, and sharpening leadership abilities. She is also excited to gain knowledge from this fruitful experience by exploring the various viewpoints that this organisation encourages. Maria’s experience in debate also includes the 2020 Model European Parliament as well as 2023 MUNLawS Conference. She is currently reading for a Bachelor in Law at the University of Malta and aspires to continue studying international law and human rights.
